Personal Data | Name: Diogo Cotta
Other contact:
Phone: +34 692909108
Address: Department of Operations & Technology Management,
IE Business School, Maria de Molina 12,
Bajo, 28006, Madrid, Spain |
Academic Degrees | Ph.D. in Management. IE Business School, Spain. Expected completion September 2015 Research in Management. IE Business School, Spain. 2013 History and Philosophy of Science. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 2008
B.A. Economics. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. 2004 |
Current Professional Activity | Marie Curie Fellow, IE Business School, Madrid, Spain. |
Relevant Publications | Cotta, D. and Salvador, F. (Forthcoming). “Technological Emergence, Transactive Memory Systems and Efficiency”. In Managing Emerging Technologies for Socio-Economic Impact, Assimakopoulos, D., Oshri, I., Pandza, K. (Eds.); Edward Elgar Publishing, UK.
Cotta, D. (Forthcoming). “Managing Interdisciplinarity – The role of Transactive Memory”, Forschung, universitaetsVerlagWebler.
Cotta, D. “Portugal and Life Beyond the Budget”, Cayman Financial Review, First Quarter 2014. |